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websms.bg has the ideal solutions for sms strategies regarding political parties in Bulgaria.

Due to the fact that elections is not something that happens every day, we are ready to provide our SmS services to all political parties that need a high volume of SmS at a very low price.

You can use our web sms platform to inform people about:

  1. Candidates
  2. Your website, that has all your political thesis and announcements
  3. Your blog where people can check your news or even express their opinions

In general you can use this magnificent tool to express your ideas to the public in a fast and easy way.

Our services will also give you the option to use your party's name or your candidate's name in the sender's field and of course we are the only company based in Bulgaria that gives you the option to write your text using Cyrillic letters.

Don't waste any time and ask for a quote today.