Login or Register

Login of a registered user or register as a new user

Proceed with your registration and start by submiting only 2 fields, your username and your cell phone number. You can fill the rest of your information (name, last name e.t.c.)afterwards.

I want to proceed with a full registration

For a full registration click here

Quick registration

Login of a registered user

I forgot my password


Are you a website owner and you want to integrate a new service for your visitors?

Do you want to be able to send sms messages to your clients from your website?

Then websms.bg has the perfect solution for you.

You can download our http api documentation and implement our sms solutions to any website that you own. You can use our sms services to send sms to your visitors in order to:

  1. Confirm a subscription
  2. Confirm a registration
  3. Confirm an order
  4. Inform the client for new products or services
  5. Send a new password

By using sms in your website you upgrade your website's status and depending on how you use the bulk sms service  of our web sms platform you can simplify procedures, increase security and in general evolve the quality of service your website provides.

SMS MARKETING will help you both on attracting new visitors and keeping the old ones loyal to your site.

If you are a programmer you can consider creating your own sms website although we suggest our ready to go solution for resellers. You can find more information about our resellers by clicking here.

The procedure to start using our sms solutions for website owners is quite simple. First you will have to register a new account with us and then by following the instruction of our http api documentation you will be able to start sending sms in a few minutes.