Login or Register

Login of a registered user or register as a new user

Proceed with your registration and start by submiting only 2 fields, your username and your cell phone number. You can fill the rest of your information (name, last name e.t.c.)afterwards.

I want to proceed with a full registration

For a full registration click here

Quick registration

Login of a registered user

I forgot my password

Technical support - customer care

In case you need any kind of support, do not hesitate to contact us via phone, email or our online customer care department. In case of an emergency we are able to connect with your computer and guide you through any process of our website.


Monday - Friday

10:00 - 18:00

Krasno Celo block 183 entrance b
Postal code 1612

For an immediate support solution contact us via phone during our visiting hours.

Customer support line +359 (2) 49 13 529

Alternative support phone +359 877 679 523

via e-mail or our contact form 24/7
call us via Skype
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