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websms.bg offers bulk sms services to businesses located in Bulgaria and wish to send medium-high volume of sms to Bulgarian numbers.

SmS marketing is the most profitable way to advertise your services or products in the world when it comes to compare it with other electronic ways of marketing solutions (e.g. email marketing).

The impact of SmS marketing can be seen from the following statistic analysis provided by enpocket.com

  1. 94% of the delivered SmS is read.
  2. 23% of the delivered SmS is being forwarded.
  3. 15% of the people respond to your advertisement.

This shows you that not only you get a high impact from your sms marketing plan, but you get an outstanding 23% of free advertisement due to the fact that people tend to forward their messages to friends.

Given the above statistics it is clear that now days sms is an essential tool for any business that wishes to increase sales in an affordable way.

Of course SmS messages are not used only for marketing purposes but for innovative ideas as well. For example if you own a private school and you send a bus to pickup your kids, by connecting a gps receiver to your buses you could create an automatic alert system where the gps would understand it is 10 minutes away from the next house and could initiate the submission of an SmS, notifying the parents to get their child outside.

OR in another case you could inform your stock owners of an upcoming meeting

OR through a web service you could let your clients know their every day horoscope.

Actually the implementations are limitless.

Combining the above information with our easy to use web interface and our high quality of services where you can:

  • Change the sender's field of your SmS in order to show your company's name to the recipient
  • Send SmS messages using Cyrillic letters
  • Send SmS up to 459 characters
  • Get sms reports for your messages
  • Schedule your SmS

then it is guaranteed that you will have a powerful solution for your business.

Don't waste any time and get started today by simply registering your business with us.