Login or Register

Login of a registered user or register as a new user

Proceed with your registration and start by submiting only 2 fields, your username and your cell phone number. You can fill the rest of your information (name, last name e.t.c.)afterwards.

I want to proceed with a full registration

For a full registration click here

Quick registration

Login of a registered user

I forgot my password




In order to start using our web based sms platform you will need to make a one time and free of charge registration. This way you will enjoy all the benefits of our online sms system.

If you are not sure what to type in any of the fields below, contact support via email, telephone or the online chat system that is located on the bottom right of your screen.

Our support team will be happy to help you.

Username*: *The username is case sensitive. This means that for example username: business is different than BUSINESS.
*Allowed characters are latin characters, numbers and symbols: (_),(-).
Password* (at least 6 characters) :
Confirm password *:
Name*: *Your name.
Last name *: *Your last name.
Email*: *Your email.
Mobile phone *: *Your cell phone in this form 359889586971.
Telephone*: *Your land line.
Fax: *Your fax.
T.P.S. number : *Your company's T.P.S. number.
Company name : *Your company's name.
Address*: *Your company's address (if you register as a company).
City*: *Your company's city (if you register as a company).
Postal code *: *Your company's postal code (if you register as a company).
Profession : *Your company's line of work.
How did you hear about us? :
I declare that i have read the terms and conditions of websms.bg and the privacy policy of websms.bg and that i understand and accept all the terms and conditions.